If you were on last night’s SC LIVE training then you know we had a blast!
If not you should watch the replay ASAP because we made some major headway with your new FREE business!
(If you’re brand new this is the 16th FREE business we’ll be building & launching together before the end of the year)
We kicked off the training with a quick chat on “comparing” yourself to others & how to do this constructively VS destructively…
Then we started working on the first product in your “micro-continuity bundle” business.
It’s a monthly newsletter you’ll be able to sell & make money every single month.
Last week I gave you the optin & thank you page for this offer (which we released last night as well)
Then I reviewed all the student versions of this page and bought some for $100 each – which I’ll release next Thursday
PLUS we extended the design contest to next week with some major cash giveaways (details on replay)
Here’s what went down:
1. Walked through your free business
2. Reviewed student funnel pages
3. Purchased 4 student pages for $100 each
4. Released all previous assets
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